Washroom cleaning experience can have a direct impact on the way a business is observed, hence it is imperative that a neat, clean and fully stocked washroom, greets your staff as well as visitors.
It is essential to have an extensive range of washroom cleaning products and supplies, which in turn deliver you an opportunity to resourcefully make certain that your washroom is delivering a reliably standard level of hygiene and service.
Washroom cleaning supplies and products comprise a huge selection of branded products on a broad spectrum encompassing paper hand towels, hand soaps, toilet rolls, surface cleaners, air fresheners and washroom cleaning products.
However, washroom supplies also include an assortment of personal protection products. These take into account things like first aid kits, gloves and a biohazard disposal kits.
Disposable gloves are used in a variety of sectors. To protect themselves and practice excellent hygiene, cleaners, beauticians, food service employees, lab and manufacturing workers all use disposable gloves.
Good workplace safety practice is paramount whichever industry you work in. Our range of PPE and cleaning gloves are designed to protect your employees and customers.
Hey Supply offers the best range of cleaning chemicals in Victoria at competitive prices. We understand that you need different types of cleaning chemicals depending on the cleaning job at hand to deliver the best results. For example, kitchen cleaning products, bathroom cleaning chemicals and commercial cleaning chemicals for office floors and stair wells. You also need chemicals that are safe to use for your cleaning staff. Think of Hey Supply as your one and only online cleaning supplier.
Regular sanitization needs to be practised in all sporting facilities, including gyms. Gym cleaning supplies must be readily available in all gym facilities and they need to be free from germs and bacteria which can spread from user to user. Whether it’s in a home gym, or commercial gym, cleaning supplies must be strong enough to disinfect and sanitize surfaces, equipment, appliances and be gentle on skin.
Are you looking out for quality paper towel dispensers for your newly constructed commercial building? At Hey Supply, we have an extensive collection of dispensers for you. From paper towel dispensers to auto air freshener dispensers, you will be delighted as you browse through our vast collection of dispensers.
We are proud of, not about the products we carry, as they are manufactured out of high-quality materials and have received plenty of attention to detail. Our dispensers are available in stainless steel, metal, and plastic.
If there’s one thing we all need when it's comes to managing waste, it's plastic bags. We use them in all kinds of environments; bin liners for the office and commercial bathrooms, industrial garbage bags for building cleans restaurants, hotels, gyms, schools and council offices. We use them to remove waste from inside buildings and garden rubbish and renovations outside too. We even use them as dog waste bags! Hey Supply plastic bags are manufactured to a high quality and resist tearing and splitting.
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